After a moderate snow fall:
Arterial and collector streets are bladed and snow is moved to the side (parking lane).
When accumulated snow becomes a nuisance, it will be removed, particularly in school areas.
Residential streets are not bladed and the snow will be left to be compacted by traffic.
Should there be concerns over accumulated snow blocking parking in front of residential properties, or where rutting causes difficulty driving on residential streets, the snow will be bladed to the side and removed.
Sidewalks on Centennial Drive and Main Street will be cleaned as soon as possible after blading is completed.
After a heavy snow fall:
All streets are bladed to the side as soon as snowing has stopped according to a priority system based on traffic and safety (see the
Snow Priority Map).
The priority for blading is arterial/collector, school areas, residential streets and lanes with multiple unit dwellings.
As equipment becomes available from the other priority areas the remaining lanes are bladed.
Removal will begin after the entire City has been bladed.
Intersections are sanded as required.
The City will post areas for a minimum of 24 hours prior to blading for total removal.
To ensure crews are able to complete their work, vehicles obstructing the removal process will be ticketed and towed.
Snow and Ice Control Program
Snow Dump for Snow Removal Contractors
Please inquire with City Hall or the City Engineer in respect to the snow dump location, access and hours. Phone: (306) 931-2166
Going on Vacation?
Do not leave your vehicle on the street or in an area where it could obstruct snow removal procedures.