At this time, the City of Martensville does not have lots available for purchase, however, lots may be available from the following land developers and builders:
Lake Vista is one of Martensville’s newest neighbourhoods. Located adjacent to 10th Avenue North and Main Street, Lake Vista is being developed by North Ridge Developments. When fully built out it will accommodate up to 1,100 units and up to 3,000 additional residents. The area will also feature 11 acres of commercial land and is home to two new elementary schools. For more information on building or developing in Lake Vista contact North Ridge Developments.
Trilogy Ranch is slated to be the City of Martensville's largest ever subdivision. The first development in the area will be the Martensville Recreation Centre that will be a catalyst for planned commercial and residential growth. Trilogy Ranch is a development by North Prairie Developments and Canwest Commercial and Land Corporation.
Martensville Housing Authority is intended for low to moderate-income families and seniors (55+). Under the Provincial Social Housing Program, tenants are provided with rent that is geared to their household income.
You are eligible for the social housing benefit if:
If your application for the Social Housing Program is approved, the housing authority will review your housing circumstances and assess your level of need for housing. When a unit is available, the housing authority selects the household with the greatest housing need.
If your application for the Social Housing Program is approved but no housing unit is available immediately, you may need to provide additional information to confirm you are still eligible for the program when a unit becomes available.
If you are offered a housing unit, you will need to provide a security deposit.
Applications may be picked up at Martensville City Hall or found here:
For more information please contact:
Martensville Housing Authority
Karen Bortnak - Manager
PO Box 1045
Martensville SK S0K 2T0
Ph. 306-227-6556
Fax. 1-306-225-0100