
Community Reports

The City of Martensville issues reports and updates to the community as part of its operation and governance.  

Major Reports by Department

Infrastructure and Planning

Future Growth Plan 2040

The Future Growth Plan was undertaken to provide Council and administration the information necessary to make informed decisions that are efficient, sustainable and fiscally responsible as the City grows. This will provide a further level of certainty for both investors and the City when investigating future growth patterns and the potential costs attributed to that growth.

Future Growth Plan 2040

Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw

The Official Community Plan Bylaw (OCP) provides objectives and policies to guide short and long term planning and land use management within the City’s boundaries.

The Zoning Bylaw controls the use of land. It puts the plan within the OCP into effect and provides for its day-to-day administration. The Zoning Bylaw contains specific requirements that are legally enforceable  

It states:

  • how land may be used
  • where buildings and other structures can be located
  • the types of buildings that are permitted and how they may be used
  • the lot sizes and dimensions, parking requirements, and setbacks from the street.
Transportation Master Plan

The Transportation Master Plan (TMP) completed in September 2017,  identifies long-term infrastructure needs based on existing and future travel demands for all transportation modes. The TMP focuses on key collector roads, arterial roads and highways within the city, including examining potential new links to facilitate future growth and improve the overall network. 

Highway 11 &12 Interchange Project

This Project was done in 2012 and was conducted by the Department of Highways to help determine the future locations of interchanges in the region.  In 2015 the location of the Martensville overpass was formally announced by the Province and will be located off the intersection of Main Street and Highway 12.

Highway 11 & 12 Interchange Project

East Concept Plan

The East Concept Plan provides a basis for planning future developments and subdivisions as the City expands to the East. The Plan served as the foundation for the development of our new Lake Vista neighbourhood.  

Recreation and Community Services

Recreation and Parks Master Plan

The City of Martensville Recreation and Parks Master Plan will be used to help guide the City in its decision-making and policy-setting regarding existing and future recreation infrastructure, parks, trails, programs and services. The Plan was adopted in June 2017 after a process that included community surveying and engagement as well as work alongside community stakeholder groups.

Recreation and Parks Master Plan

Kinsmen Park Master Plan

The Kinsmen Park Master Plan provides the blueprint for growth and expansion of amenities and green space in Martensville’s primary community park.  The phasing of vegetation, irrigation, pathways and amenities are all demonstrated in this plan that encompasses over 60 acres of the primary area of Kinsmen Park.  An initial plan was adopted in 2016 and was updated in 2019.  

Kinsmen Park Master Plan

Economic Development

Seniors Affordable Housing and Care Functional Plan

The Martensville Seniors Affordable Housing and Care Project Functional Plan looks at the current environment for affordable seniors housing as well as potential for housing growth, and provide the community with capacity to accomodate anticipated increase in seniors population in the coming decade.  The Functional Plan is comprised of the Housing Need and Demand Assessment, Demographic and Seniors Market Segment Supplement, Feasibility Assessment and Business Plan Framework.

Martensville Retail Survey 2013

This community survey was done to look at residents shopping patterns and their needs and desires for the community in respect to local services.  The data from this survey was used to assist business attraction and expansion exercise as well as identify opportunities in the community for entrepreneurs.

Martensville Retail Survey 2013

Economic Development Strategy 2017

Developed through the Municipal Sustainability Plan and identified needs and opportunities, this strategy sets the blueprint for Economic Development Activity in 2017.

Economic Development Strategy 2017

Corporate Services

The Corporate Services Department manages the areas of taxation, assessment, utilities, accounts payable and receivable, and financial reporting.  The Department provides annual Budget Reporting as well as oversees the independent Auditors Report.  The latest Budget and Auditors Reports are:

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