Property Tax and Assessment

Did you know you can access your Property Tax Account Online? 

You will need your most recent Property Tax Notice with your roll number and access code. 

Property Tax Payment Options

Property taxes are the main source of revenue for most municipalities and schools. The ability to deliver services depends on a stable assessment base.

To determine property tax, the taxable assessment is multiplied by the mill rates set each year.

The Education mill rate is established by the province. The City levies, collects and then remits Education Property Taxes to the province – they are included on your property tax notice but are not kept for City use.

The Municipal mill rate is determined based on the annual budget after considering all other sources of revenue.  

Taxable assessment x Local mill rate(s) + Base Taxes/Levies* = Your Municipal Property Taxes

Education Property Taxes + Municipal Property Taxes = Total Property Taxes

2024 Property Tax Information provided to residents


The 2024Assessment Roll will open to the public May 10th, 2024.  It will be closed on June 10th, 2024.  Assessment notices will be mailed only to property owners that have had an assessment change since 2023.


Property assessment is not the same as property tax.  Read more...

The City of Martensville contracts the Saskatchewan Assessment Management Agency – SAMA – to determine assessment values in our city. 

Property assessment is the process of determining a property’s assessed value for property tax purposes as of a specific date. Assessed value is not market value, however, for most properties it is close to the average market value in an area. Once SAMA has determined the “assessed value” of a property, it is then multiplied by a percentage of value established by the provincial government for that type of property. The result is the property’s “taxable value”. Local municipalities and school divisions then multiply the “taxable value” by their corresponding mill rates to produce property tax levies and added together with applicable base or minimum taxes for the total tax levy.

The classes of property and their percentages of value revised by the provincial government are:

  • Agricultural 55%
  • Residential 80%
  • Multi-Unit Residential 80%
  • Seasonal Residential 80%
  • Commercial & Industrial 85% 

Preparation of the annual assessment roll is completed on or before April 1 of each year unless the date is extended by a bylaw of Council. Once completed, assessment notices are sent out by ordinary mail and advertised in the local newspaper. All property owners can appeal their assessed value each year, however, only properties with assessment changes will receive a notice by mail.

For more information on how assessment values are determined go to:

How Property Assessment Works

Or visit the Saskatchewan Assessment Management Agency


2024 Assessment Notices will be mailed to all property owners May 10th, 2024

The assessment notice shows the assessed and taxable value of your property for both the previous and current year for comparison purposes. The Saskatchewan Assessment Management Agency provides the City with a “Detailed Property Profile” for each property that they assess. We encourage everyone to review their “Detailed Property Profile” to determine how your property is assessed. Each year the assessment roll is open to inspection for the public for a period of 30 days (60 days in a revaluation year).

The City encourages all property owners to review all assessment information related to your property.  You can view your “Detailed Property Profile” online at MySAMA & SAMAViewVisit MySAMA & SAMAView to create a Public User account and view your property profile details online. 


If you feel an error has been made in your assessment or classification, you can appeal. An appeal form can be obtained by calling City Hall at 306-931-2166, request via email to City Hall or by clicking the link below:

Notice of Appeal Form

The deadline to appeals will be found on your assessment notice.  For 2024 the deadline is June 10th, 2024

Your completed form can be submitted in person to City Hall, or by ordinary or registered mail to:

The Assessor, City of Martensville,
Box 970, Martensville SK S0K 2T0.

There is a fee for filing an appeal which is refundable if your appeal is successful.  The Fee Schedule is as follows:

Description Amount of Fee
Assessment Appeal Fee – Residential $100
Assessment Appeal Fee – Commercial 499,999 or less - $200
500,000 to 1,000,000 - $500
Greater than 1,000,000 - $750

Only your property assessment can be appealed, not taxes or mill rates. Appeals cannot be based on the fact that you feel your taxes are too high. The grounds for appeal must be detailed. It is your responsibility to make a case to the Board of Revision.

Questions regarding your assessment can be directed to City Hall at 931-2166, or call SAMA directly at 933-5385, or visit the SAMA website.

PLEASE NOTE: An appeal against your assessment value does not exempt you from paying taxes on time or from late payment penalties. If an appeal is successful, an adjustment will be made to your account and the appeal fee will be refunded.


2024 Municipal Tax Levy

The Municipal mill rate is determined based on the annual budget after considering all other sources of revenue.  The Education mill rate is established by the province. The City levies, collects and then remits Education Property Taxes to the province – they are included on your property tax notice but are not kept for City use.

The 2024 Municipal Property Tax Mill Rates have been set by the City and are as follows:

Class Uniform Mill Rate Mill Rate Factor Effective 2024
Mill Rate
Effective 2023 Mill Rate
Agriculture 6.06 0.1473 0.89 0.83
Residential/Multi-unit 6.06 1.0000 6.06 5.65
Commercial/Industrial 6.06 1.0700 6.48 6.05

General Base Tax - $675 (residential/multi-unit/agricultural)*
Commercial Base Tax - $975
Garbage/Recycling Fees - $225
Wastewater Treatment Levy - $75
Future Recreation Facility Levy - $150

*Vacant residential, multi-unit and agricultural lots are not charged Garbage/Recycling, and all other base tax levies are set at half.

To determine property tax, the taxable assessment is multiplied by the mill rates set each year:

Taxable assessment x Local mill rate(s) + Base Taxes/Levies = Your  Municipal Property Taxes


The 2024 Education Property Tax Mill Rates have been set by the province and are as follows:

Agricultural 1.42 mills (1.42 in 2023)
Residential 4.54mills (4.54 in 2023)
Commercial/Industrial 6.86mills (6.86 in 2023)
Resource* 9.88mills (9.88 in 2023)

*(oil & gas, mines & pipelines)


The deadline for payment of property taxes is July 31 of each year.


Interest penalties of 1% will be assessed as of August 1 on all outstanding taxes from the current year. Penalties continue to be levied against all outstanding taxes on the first of each subsequent month, until the balance is paid in full. Outstanding taxes become arrears January 1st of the following year and continue to be penalized. Arrears may be subject to tax enforcement proceedings.  Interest penalties are set by a bylaw of council.


  • In Person at City Hall -  we are open Monday to Friday, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.  We accept cash, cheque or debit card.  Please be aware that your financial institution may have a daily limit on debit transactions.
  • Cheques can be mailed to the City of Martensville, Box 970, Martensville, SK  S0K 2T0
  • We have an after hours drop slot just outside and to the left of the City Hall entrance.  Please make sure your cheque is in an envelope with your account number or property address included.
  • Online & Phone – Most banks and financial institutions offer this through telephone or online banking.  Simply add us as a bill payee.  You’ll need your roll number (found on this property tax notice) handy to include as your account number.  Note: Three to five business days are required for payment to be processed. If payment is not received in our office due to this reason before the deadline, we will not waive penalties.
  • Check with your banking institution for your daily/weekly transfer limits and schedule your payments accordingly. The date paid shall be considered the date the City receives your transfer.
  • In the message field you must indicate what the payment is for and the appropriate account number, roll number or invoice number.  If you need help, please call City Hall at 306-931-2166.
  • Interac e-Transfer®.  You can make same-day payments for  property taxes, using the Payments Email.  The City is set up for Auto Deposit so no security question or answer is required.  Please reference your Property Tax Roll # (9 digits) from your statement to ensure payment is credited to your account.
  • TIPPS (Tax Installment Payment Plan Service Program) - TIPPS offers equalized monthly property tax payments withdrawn automatically from your bank account on the 1st of each month. Late payment penalties will not apply to TIPPS users.
  • NEW- Credit Card payment via OptionPay System

  • Current Services Offered on OptionPay include:
  • -Utility bill payments: You will need your ACCOUNT NUMBER when entering payment information.
  • Property tax payments: You will need your ROLL NUMBER when entering payment information.
  • Accounts receivable invoice payments:  You will need the INVOICE NUMBER.
  • Property Statements including Tax Certificates, Property Information Disclosure's (PID's) and Business Information Abstract's (BIA's) You will need to include the FULL CIVIC ADDRESS OF THE PROPERTY when entering payment information.
  • Criminal Record Checks: You will need the FULL LEGAL NAME of the individual requiring the criminal record check as it appears on their government issued ID.  Please note that ID will be required when you go to the RCMP detachment to request the check, as well as proof of payment so have your email receipt handy. (For details on Criminal Record Checks, please click here)
  • For all other payments, please contact City Hall for assistance at 306-931-2166.

    - Please note we are not using OptonPay for recreation programming registrations.

    Learn more About OptionPay  
  • What is Option Pay?  OptionPay is a payment provider.  The City of Martensville is utilizing for online and in-person credit card transactions at City Hall. You can find out more information about OptionPay by visiting their website here.  
  • Are there added fees for utilizing OptionPay to pay with my credit card?-  Yes. All transactions carried out through OptionPay follow a tiered fee schedule, starting at a minimum fee of $2.00.  To see the full fee schedule for using this payment option, please visit their fee schedule here.
  • Why are there added fees?-The fees are administered directly through the OptionPay program for the use of their service These fees are not paid  to the City of Martensville.  
  • Is my credit card/information secure with this program?—OptionPay is a third party program that provides information on their security measures here    The City of Martensville takes no responsibility for, and accepts no liability, in the event of security breaches, technical failures difficulties, or issues that may arise from your use of OptionPay.  All users accept responsibility for their use of this service and utilize the service at their own risk. 
  • Ready to  pay your Bill?  Click on the logo below: 

  • Have you Moved? Change Mailing Address

Tax Support

School Division Support

To declare your support to the separate school division, please complete the appropriate form and return to the City of Martensville City Hall. Please note that a signed declaration form for each owner of the property who wishes to declare their school support must be completed. An undeclared property owner will be deemed to be a public supporter.


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