The Martensville Recreation Centre has been made possible through the hard work and passion of the community leaders, parents, and coaches who had a goal to fundraise for a multi-purpose recreation facility for our community but also one that would have an impact on our region and Province. In addition to fundraising by the Martensville Community Recreation Project Committee, a number of significant donors and sponsors have committed to supporting the MRC.
The Donor stories provided are those that have contributed in excess of $100,000 toward the MRC. Altogether, these donors and sponsors and all those that have contributed smaller amounts, and fundraising efforts have raised in excess of over $3,700,000 for the Martensville Recreation Centre.
If you are interested in making a donation the City of Martensville and the MCRP welcome your involvement. Visit the MCRP and click on Donate. Donations can also be dropped off or mailed to City Hall. All gifts will receive a tax credit. Please make cheques payable to the Martensville Community Recreation Project (Charitable Registered No. 824108799 RR0001). All donations over $1000 will be recognized on a Recognition Feature at the MRC.
Sponsorship and Naming Rights opportunities are available for individuals or businesses and provide an opportunity to support amenities directly in the facility and build your company's profile. Please contact the MCRP or the City of Martensville for more information.