City Bylaws


The City of Martensville Bylaws are regularly reviewed, amended, and in some cases repealed.  Every effort is made to ensure bylaws posted on the website are current, however, if you have any questions you may contact the City Clerk's Office at 306-931-2166 or view the bylaws at City Hall, 37 Centennial Drive South during regular business hours.

Bylaw No. Bylaw Title Description
13-18 Administration Fees & Charges

A bylaw to establish administrative fees and charges in the Corporate Services Department.

11-13 All-Terrain Vehicle Bylaw

A bylaw to control the operation of all-terrain vehicles within the City of Martensville.

15-15 Animal Control Bylaw (consolidated)

A bylaw to license, regulate, control and prohibit the ownership and possession of certain animals within the city limits of Martensville.

12-17 Authorize Certain Expenditures

A bylaw to provide for the payment of certain accounts prior to Council Meetings.

9-17 Business Licensing Bylaw(consolidated)

A bylaw to regulate businesses, gather land use information and facilitate planning decisions.

37-04 Bylaw Respecting Buildings (consolidated)

To provide for a Building Bylaw

21-11 Cemetery Operations Bylaw (consolidated)

A bylaw respecting cemetery operations

1-21 Code of Ethics Bylaw for Members of  Council

A bylaw to establish a Code of Ethics for Councillors

1-19 Council Procedure Bylaw

A bylaw to establish Council Procedures

5-14 Debenture Borrowing Bylaw

A bylaw to provide for borrowing the sum of $5,000,000 for the purpose of financing the purchase of land for future development

7-14 Debenture Payments Bylaw

A bylaw which the City of Martensville promises to pay to the Municipal Finance Corporation of Saskatchewan, the principal amount of $5,000,000 along with interest at a rate of 4% per annum, by 20 consecutive equal annual payments.

15-14 Debenture Borrowing Bylaw

A bylaw to provide for borrowing the sum of $10,200,000 for the purpose of financing the construction of the Martensville Athletic Pavilion

16-14 Debenture Payment Bylaw

A bylaw which the City of Martensville promises to pay to the Municipal Finance Corporation of Saskatchewan the principal amount of $10,200,000 along with interest rate of 3.9% per annum, by 20 consecutive equal annual payments

13-17 Debenture Borrowing Bylaw

A bylaw to provide for borrowing the sum of $2,850,000 for the purpose of financing the construction and roadway paving of Main Street from 10th Ave to 16th Ave and the Traffic Circle at the intersection of Main Street and 10th Ave.

14-17 Debenture Payments Bylaw

A bylaw which the City of Martensville promises to pay to the Municipal Finance Corporation of Saskatchewan, the principal amount of $2,850,000 along with interest at the rate of 2.90% per annum, by 10 consecutive equal annual payments.

14-13 Development Levy Bylaw

A bylaw for the purpose of establishing a Development Levy for Lands that are to be developed or redeveloped within the City of Martensville.

19-12 Economic Development Business Incentive Bylaw

A bylaw to provide framework for Council to encourage and foster commercial economic development in Martensville through the use of property tax exemption agreements.


Economic Development Business Incentive Bylaw Amendment 

A bylaw to add a new property to Schedule "A" -

14-14  Emergency Measures Organization Bylaw

A bylaw to establish the Emergency Measures Organization of the City of Martensville and to comply with the provisions of The Emergency Planning Act, 1989.

8-24 Extend Assessment Roll

A bylaw to extend Assessment Roll to May 10, 2024

13-22 Fire Prevention Bylaw

A bylaw to establish a fire regulations for the city.

20-13 Forestry Bylaw

A bylaw to regulate and control Tree Forests within the City of Martensville


Foundation Drainage Discharge System

A bylaw to regulate the installation of foundation drainage discharge systems
9-18 Investment Policy Bylaw

A bylaw to establish an investment policy

9-20 Mail-In Ballot Bylaw

A bylaw to establish a Mail-In Ballot Voting System for voters of the City of Martensville

6-17 Noise Bylaw

A bylaw to establish a Noise Bylaw

8-2023 Nuisance Abatement Bylaw

A bylaw to provide for the abatement of nuisances

2-2020 Official Community Plan
- Appendix West Sector Plan

To establish an Offical Community Plan to establish a framework that guides future planning, development, manages growth, facilitates environmental initiatives, and supports collaboration around municipal infrastructure and vital community services. 

Appendixes include Adopted Sector Plan and Concept Plans.

2-16 Open Space Bylaw

A bylaw to provide access to private property through open spaces.  Applicable in cases of construction or landscaping.

6-23 Property Tax Bylaw

A bylaw to set Mill Rates and Base tax for 2023

12-16 Public Notice Policy Bylaw

A bylaw to set guidelines for giving public notice

3-13 Records Management

A bylaw to provide for the retention and destruction of documents

11-20 Saskatoon North Partnership for Growth Planning District Bylaw

A bylaw to adopt an agreement for the establishment of a planning district known as the Saskatoon North Partnership for Growth Planning District.

12-20 Saskatoon North Partnership for Growth Planning District Official Community Plan Bylaw

A bylaw to adopt an Official Community Plan in conjunction with the RM of Corman Park No. 344, City of Saskatoon, Town of Osler and City of Warman, for the Saskatoon North Partnership for Growth Planning District

27-14 Smoking Bylaw

A bylaw to regulate smoking in Martensville

1-17 Snow Management Bylaw

A bylaw to establish a snow management bylaw

29-15 Snowmobile Bylaw

A bylaw to regulate the operation of snowmobiles within the corporate boundaries of the City of Martensville

19-11 Tax Administration Bylaw (consolidated)

A bylaw to provide for the administration of property assessment and taxation

3-21 The Campaign Disclosure Bylaw

A bylaw to establish disclosure requirements respecting campaign contributions and expenses

22-13 The General Penalty Enforcement Bylaw

A bylaw to establish penalties and enforcement procedures for contravention of bylaws and orders of the City of Martensville

17-15 Traffic Bylaw (Consolidated)

A bylaw to regulate the operation of vehicles within the city limits

7-18 Vehicle for Hire

A bylaw to regulate vehicles for hire, including taxis, limousine, driver for hire, and transportation network companies

18-15 Waste Bylaw

A Bylaw to regulate waste

10-18 Waste Water Bylaw

A bylaw respecting services provided by or on behalf of the City, including establishing fees for providing those services

11-18 Water Use Bylaw

A bylaw respecting services provided by or on behalf of the City, including establishing fees for providing those services

12-18 Water & Waste Water Administration Bylaw (consolidated)

A bylaw for the administration of water and wastewater accounts

1-15 Zoning Bylaw (consolidated)

A bylaw where development shall be permitted within the limits of the City of Martensville only when in conformity with the provisions of this Bylaw subject to the right of appeal provisions of the Act.


The City Bylaw Enforcement Officer works with the public, informs, and investigates many of the bylaws listed above. For more information or to contact our Bylaw Enforcement Officer please call (306) 229-6859 or call the Bylaw Office at (306) 931-2166.


The information contained on this site has no legal status and cannot be used as an official report of the policies, actions, or decisions of Martensville City Council. The City of Martensville accepts no responsibility to persons relying solely on this information.   Please contact City Hall at (306) 931-2166 if you have any questions or require more information.   

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