Agendas and Minutes

City Council Meetings are legal meetings at which City Council has jurisdiction to conduct City business and transactions and to make decisions.

Committee of the Whole Meetings provide Council with additional time to study and review issues in more detail. Issues discussed at these meetings are brought forward to future Council Meetings for decision. City employees typically attend both Council and Committee of the Whole Meetings to provide information and background on issues as required.  

City Council and Committee of the Whole meetings are held in Council Chambers at City Hall, 37 Centennial Drive South.  Meetings begin at 5:00 p.m. and are open to the public. In the event confidential or sensitive information is being discussed, such as a human resource issue, the meeting, or certain parts of the meeting, may be closed to the public. If further discussion of an issue is required, the topic may be referred to a Committee of the Whole Meeting.


Agendas are available prior to meetings being held. Council meetings are held every 2 - 4 weeks.

Agenda Preparation

Meeting agendas are prepared by the City Clerk.   You are encouraged to bring specific concerns to the attention of a City Council member or the City Manager, and may request to be placed on the agenda to make a presentation to Council. To be placed on the meeting agenda to make a presentation to Council, please complete and submit a Presentation to Council form. 

Meeting Minutes

Minutes are posted after they have been approved by City Council, which is usually at their next meeting. These are archived and can be viewed on the menu on the right side of this page.

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