The Canada Community-Building Fund (CCBF) program, previously known as the federal Gas Tax Fund program in Saskatchewan, is administered by the provincial government to help support municipalities.
Of the $1,000,000 budgeted in Martensville for roadways in 2022, $596,000 of that is funded by the CCBF. This includes:
Repave 3rd Avenue North and Rock Hill Lane:
This work consists of milling the existing pavement and hauling it off site. The street will be repaved with 65mm of asphalt. The work areas include:
This project will increase the life span of the roadways and increase the level of service to residents.
Pavement Preservation on Manor Heights, 8th Ave N, Hamm Terrace, 5th Ave N, and Reimer Road
This work consists of a 'Super Ultra Thin Overlay' will be placed over the existing asphalt to extend the roadways life span and improve the ride quality. The work areas include: