The City of Martensville, through a public private partnership with Canwest Commercial and Land Corp. and North Prairie Developments Ltd., is pleased to announce the City’s future multi-purpose recreation facility will be the anchor attraction at Trilogy Ranch, a new major 680-acre residential and commercial development located just west of Highway 12 and bordering the City’s current west boundary. Canwest and North Prairie Developments will contribute the land for the facility to the City of Martensville, which is valued at approximately $3 million.
“Meeting the needs of our community was paramount in choosing a location for the facility, and was driven by the needs of our residents, 33% of which are under the age of 19,” said Kent Muench, Mayor of the City of Martensville. “As we conducted a recreation space audit and researched site options, we saw an opportunity to work with our long-term partner, North Prairie Developments and Canwest, to position the facility as an anchor within a major development.”
“Today’s announcement is the result of teamwork and is a game-changing opportunity to bolster amateur sport and to further Martensville’s vision to have families, friends, and the community play and grow together in a safe, active, and healthy environment,” Muench added. “In addition to creating a vibrant future location for our current and future residents, in terms of growth, land base, economic spin-off, all of the pieces came together and we are so grateful to Canwest, North Prairie Developments and the entire Williams Family for their generous contribution of land for this recreation facility.”
The Trilogy Ranch development project will take place over the next 25 years and is projected to increase the City’s population by 10,000 people and bring $1.5 billion in economic spin off to the region. It will likely be one of the largest subdivisions announced in Saskatchewan over the next five years, with approximately 3,500 new homes, 500,000 square feet of new commercial space, and over 500 new jobs for the retail and hospitality sector in the long term. The future multi-purpose facility will be located at south end of Trilogy Ranch.
“We are very happy to again be involved with the City of Martensville on their new recreation facility in conjunction with the future development of Trilogy Ranch,” said John Williams, President of Canwest and North Prairie Developments. “With the significant growth Martensville has experienced over the last 15-plus years, this is certainly a much-needed facility for Martensville. The vision of the City, Mayor Muench and Council has been extraordinary and together, we have created a unique opportunity to propel a private public partnership for future growth for Martensville and the wider region.”
Martensville has long outgrown its demand for recreation amenities. The City’s 10,383 residents are currently served by one ice surface and small indoor turf, resulting in the need for families to travel outside the community, registration caps for tournaments, and recreation and sport options eliminated. Over the past five years, the Martensville Community Recreation Project (MRCP), a local volunteer-led charity, has raised over $365,000 for the new facility. And last year the City and the MCRP revealed renderings of the recreation facility with a main ice surface and full-sized soccer pitch and field house as part of the first phases of the project.
Jesse Reis, Chair of the Board of the MCRP welcomed today’s announcement. “It makes the project real and is one more step, a major tangible step, in realizing our dream,” he said. “We still have a long way to go but this announcement and this partnership will make our dream a reality and we thank the City, Canwest and North Prairie Developments for having the vision to come together and create this partnership that will mean so much to Martensville families.”
The multi-purpose facility will serve the regional community. To date, the City and the MCRP have received 26 letters of support from sporting groups locally and provincially, neighbouring towns, Indigenous and government officials, and various other groups.
The City of Martensville, Canwest and North Prairie Developments and the MCRP thank everyone who has donated and supported the project to date.
For further information please contact:
Dillon Shewchuk, Ec.D, PCED.SK
Community/Economic Development Manager, City of Martensville
John Williams
President, Canwest Commercial and Land Corp and North Prairie Developments Ltd.
Jesse Reis
Chair of the Board, Martensville Community Recreation Project (MCRP)